Youthful & Vibrant Lifestyle 50+
By Carol Cretella
Youthful & Vibrant
Lifestyle 50+
By Carol Cretella
~ Radiant Health
~ Magnetic Presence
~ Inspired Living!
Radiant Health
Magnetic Presence
Inspired Living!
Free Report! 10 Keys to Look and Feel Youthful & Vibrant
Learn the sure-fire ways to “reverse age” naturally. Feel healthier and more alive. Increase your joy and satisfaction in life!
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About Carol
After awhile, to save time in my overloaded schedule, I minimized my longtime yoga practice in favor of aerobics. Then came long periods of overwhelm where I felt I had scant time for self-care and healthy eating. My weight crept up until I was twenty pounds overweight. I also developed a stress-related asthmatic condition and carried inhalers with me wherever I went. Then, a car accident left me with whiplash and a concussion that remained a chronic pain condition for decades.
I became burnt-out from managing my physical pain, commuting, motherhood, and the demands of my “successful” career.
I was disillusioned with my life as it was. My inner voice was screaming for change. But what kind of change? I just didn’t know. One day I had an “I quit! You’re fired!” episode at my job. That day, my intuition knew exactly what to do.

The training was a salve for my heart, a tonic for my body, and an elixir for my soul. An unexpected side benefit happened. The chronic neck and shoulder pain I suffered, had dissipated almost completely during the teacher training.
After the yoga teacher training, my husband and I relocated to San Diego. I started teaching yoga classes right away. More than a decade later, I’ve taught thousands of students the restorative, therapeutic and spiritually uplifting benefits of Yoga.
Once again, my heart and spirit said, “I want and need to make a bigger impact.”
Purely on intuition, I attended a weekend intensive and teacher training in The Art of Feminine Presence.
I learned that the presence we radiate can enrich our relationships, our lives and the lives of everyone we meet.
I will never forget the passion stirring within me as I experienced the energy and intensity of being with so many vibrant, conscious women, all answering the call to be seen, to be heard, and to inspire change in the world.
My paths as a Yoga instructor and licensed teacher of the Art of Feminine Presence converged. Teaching Yoga and empowering women through the Art of Feminine Presence are both vehicles of growth and service for me.
I envision a world where women are strongly connected to both the softness and the power of their Feminine Essence. I envision a world where women authentically express their unique qualities and acknowledge their magnificence. By making a commitment to be their highest selves, women can play a role in making the world a more loving, peaceful, and empowered place.

Learn the sure-fire ways to “reverse age” naturally. Feel healthier and more alive. Increase your joy and satisfaction in life!